Will My Hearing Aids Last Over a Long Period of Time?
Hearing aids are an investment, and with good care they can last.
Research Reveals a Link Between Loss of Hearing And Substance Abuse
Those suffering from hearing loss at a younger age are twice as likely to have substance abuse problems. Here’s what the research reveals.
Will My Hearing Ever Return?
Sometimes hearing can come back on its own. It all comes back to this one thing.
How to Stop The Whistling in Your Ears
Do you sometimes hear an annoying screeching or whistling noise in your hearing aids? Here’s how to prevent that from happening.
Your Hearing Aids Need to be Checked Regularly, But How Often?
If you’re like most people you’ve been ignoring your hearing too long. This is how frequently you should check your hearing.
Why Hearing Loss is Not an Age Issue
Most people associate hearing loss with aging…here’s why that’s a dangerous assumption.
Is One Hearing Aid Sufficient or do I Need Two?
Is your hearing uneven? Do you need one hearing aid or two?
Safeguard Your Hearing With These Tips
How can you protect your hearing on a day-to-day basis? Here are a few easy tips to get started.
There is Hope For Those Who Have Sudden Hearing Loss if They Seek Early Treatment
Sudden hearing loss takes place over a few hours or up to three days. Here’s why immediate treatment might be able to save your hearing.
Try to Avoid These 10 Things if You Have Tinnitus
Tinnitus affects nearly 50 million Americans, but there are ways to minimize symptoms. Here’s a list of 10 things you should avoid if you have tinnitus.